Financial Calculators

Use this handy tool to look at your income and expenditure and help you set a budget.
Estimate your Income Tax liability, using our online calculator.
Assess the impact of inflation on your savings over any term.
Our online IHT calculator will help you calculate any potential IHT liability.
Use this handy calculator to estimate how an investment or savings plan might perform.
Calculate your loan repayments on a given loan amount for a specified interest rate.
Estimate the size of mortgage which may be available to you.
Calculate your mortgage repayments on a given mortgage amount for a specified interest rate.
Use this calculator to determine if there might be a shortfall in your pension fund when you retire.

UK News

Only a third of 16 to 24-year-olds gave to charity last year, down sharply since the pandemic.
The chancellor has given an update on her plans for the economy - how are ordinary people tackling their own financial challenges?
The 233-year-old chain will become TGJones but the WH Smith brand will continue at airports and railway stations.
Manufacturers are expected to ask for state support ahead of next week's 25% tax on exports.
Investors sold off shares of carmakers in Japan, Germany and the UK, but US brands are also set to be hit.